Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bora Dress!

Just wanted to get this started, will fill in with something tomorrow. (promise!)

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--Okay, so, phew! this is the new dress! I've been working on it for..about two?..yeah, two weeks. I was soo happy about it because it's all 100% made by myself including the "sculpties" I say it like that because I don't really think I'm a sculpter, I'm just really crafty with them (the skirt sculpty is the same as the bonbon earrings sculpties that I have improved and will be re-releasing soon by the way). Expect another dress similar to this one with prints but I'll be using my handy dandy sculpter this time who is finally back, all computer issues aside and reunited if he's up for the task. (hurrah!)

ALSO! This dress got me past the Claim the Fame casting that will be televised through Metaverse TV so take a look at that once that goes up, I'll probably link it here once it does, I made a total fool of myself as always.

So, I know last post I was all mopey about no one coming in the store but that wasn't an issue once I released the notices on the new Bora dresses through BOSL readers group and FashCon so that just made things fly in two hours, I couldn't believe it. So, thank you so much and I am liking this pace, I just hope it's consistent. Hahaha!

So, yeah, I have my market place all set up if you're too lazy to get the the store, then the marketplace is ready for you with all the bigger items...It's kinda all over the place and not really that cool yet. But here it is anyways!

Alright. I have to go get juice and catch the bus, comment to let me know if you're out there!

Bisous, Bisous,

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