So this is what happens when the workshop is shared. That's Armonde in girl form, both sporting his new glasses which areeeee indeedy available in the marketplace for only 10L ( New dress coming soon! Yippee! Just have to recolour it and I'll be on my way to release. I think I'll call it Posh or something.
Anyways, just wanted to do this so then you guys know that I am still alive and indeedy working on something, if you notice a lack of activity then I'm prolly hosting family that is flying in starting tonight! Phew.
But really excited about this dress, you can't see the back but I think it's what makes it (saving the surprise for later) and also I've always wanted something shouldery. If you ever run into me you'll see me in it. Shop is grooving a bit slow lately but still grooving so that's all that matters! Also! Officially got into Lazy Sunday which makes me vair vair happy! My starting dates are June 19th for Lazy Sunday and June 24th for La Venta Eventa (Both rotating in a 4 week schedule) so look out for those dates to pop up to get some awesome/possibly exclusive deals.
A big HOO-RAH to that!
Enjoy the weekend lovelies,
Bisous, Bisous
Hair: Lamb
Pose:Mia Mai
Skin/eyes: Mojo
Shoes: [w]under
Glasses/Nails: Armonde (although he doesn't want to sell the nails because he doesn't like them for some reason)
Dress/Earrings: Touché
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