Market place is still up, sorry for any confusion/inconvenience. Not logging in for a while!
â bientôt... peut-être, mes amis!
Bisous, bisous
Karissa Silversmith
(I still check my email regularly, feel free to contact me anytime for any questions or comments)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Woah... Where did I go?
It doesn't matter, but let me tell you something that does--I made new dresses! (and they're probably my best work yet)
I called them Tart Dresses. Because if you like these dresses you look like a tart, and you probably are one at heart. I worked ultra hard on these the past few weeks so you better enjoy them at a fair price of 235. and you better buy them because I need rent money. Lol.
If these go well it will probably once again light my SL fire that died in a ditch a few months ago.
Okay, anyways, that is all.
You can go get them on the marketplace HERE!
K bye.
Cheers |
I called them Tart Dresses. Because if you like these dresses you look like a tart, and you probably are one at heart. I worked ultra hard on these the past few weeks so you better enjoy them at a fair price of 235. and you better buy them because I need rent money. Lol.
If these go well it will probably once again light my SL fire that died in a ditch a few months ago.
Okay, anyways, that is all.
You can go get them on the marketplace HERE!
K bye.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Took this at Joseph's place in his beach cottage, it's so marvy there! Anyways, been off task and in reality. I am planning on a come back, looking for small places for sattelite stores and other nice things to be involved in. I'm just worried that I don't have enough content to level out with the rest because I delete older items right away when I'm not satisfied with them anymore. Oh, well, we will see! Oh and P.S. if you haven't seen the new shop you really should. click for a limo to the: New Store |
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Knock knock
First post attempt from the iPad. Oooer!
So, I'm not in the mood to give detailed updates on whatever I promised I would, but it all followed through and went well! Honestly I've been more active on my blog in reality, I started that like a week ago. No one really follows me on that blog either so.. Lol. Anyways I have been sorta kinda working on a dress, I'm picturing a full skirt, a sculpted belty thing, and funky necklines! Woo! that will be muy exciting, who knows when I will finish it.
I also applied to be a merchant at a couple sims, but.. Like my main store isn't even that full of things to buy. So, my satellite stores will be like.. Just as full as my main shop. Which sucks for those people expecting more from the main LM because They won't see any more! Lol. oh wait or I could just do a sample platter. Anyways...
So I've been trying my best to say hi to everyone entering the shop when I'm on the land! It's a lot of fun seeing who comes in, I know it's lame but I find it amusing and considerate. I mean I would love to get a greeting and thanks from the designer if they were there in shop the same time I was!
Anyways gunna continue on the mac, I got tired of laying in bed. SO. What was I saying.... Oh yeah, I've been doing that. Also been keeping up the meeroos avec Johnathan, we just caught up a little today which was groovy. I've also been reuniting with Heather and Paul which is nice, we've been doing movie nights together.
I just feel like running or something.
Alrighty that's all, Latarrr.
First post attempt from the iPad. Oooer!
So, I'm not in the mood to give detailed updates on whatever I promised I would, but it all followed through and went well! Honestly I've been more active on my blog in reality, I started that like a week ago. No one really follows me on that blog either so.. Lol. Anyways I have been sorta kinda working on a dress, I'm picturing a full skirt, a sculpted belty thing, and funky necklines! Woo! that will be muy exciting, who knows when I will finish it.
I also applied to be a merchant at a couple sims, but.. Like my main store isn't even that full of things to buy. So, my satellite stores will be like.. Just as full as my main shop. Which sucks for those people expecting more from the main LM because They won't see any more! Lol. oh wait or I could just do a sample platter. Anyways...
So I've been trying my best to say hi to everyone entering the shop when I'm on the land! It's a lot of fun seeing who comes in, I know it's lame but I find it amusing and considerate. I mean I would love to get a greeting and thanks from the designer if they were there in shop the same time I was!
Anyways gunna continue on the mac, I got tired of laying in bed. SO. What was I saying.... Oh yeah, I've been doing that. Also been keeping up the meeroos avec Johnathan, we just caught up a little today which was groovy. I've also been reuniting with Heather and Paul which is nice, we've been doing movie nights together.
I just feel like running or something.
Alrighty that's all, Latarrr.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
I did something today!
Incredible, isn't it?
So today I committed myself to creating displays for the gum skirts. Usually a snooze, but nothing that a little Lady Gaga and other various jams can't fix.

I'm quite pleased, by the end of the day everything will be done and ready to go for release day! When's that? When the new shop is done being built.
Wait there's a new shop being built? YEAH!
By one of my lovely friends Jesse Hill who was looking for a project.. so I was like why not/Let's do it! It's still a surprise but I'm sure it'll be super sexy, coming from a sexy guy and all.
Anyways, I know I've fell off the SL planet and have been wandering around in the real one, especially exploring my own city (fun). I haven't but will soon with the whole selling art thing on SL--BUT I'm going to try selling them through people I know so then I make more profit. I still have yet to make prints though, bahahaha. Oh well, no rush.
Also, I went through a super dry spell with SL and I had zero motivation ( I even thought of quitting for a sec, goodness me) but I can sort of feel it coming back especially with the excitement of the 2nd Teen Fashionshow! I dunno what to expect yet but I will keep you guys posted. If you're a teen then you'll see some familiar TG designers like Killie, Yuki, Tallie, Anna (in alt form), and myself. Woo, get pumped! I think the date for that will be coming up soon on the 13th of this month if that plays out as planned.
Groovy, I think that's it.
Bisous, Bisous
Karissa S.
So today I committed myself to creating displays for the gum skirts. Usually a snooze, but nothing that a little Lady Gaga and other various jams can't fix.
I'm quite pleased, by the end of the day everything will be done and ready to go for release day! When's that? When the new shop is done being built.
Wait there's a new shop being built? YEAH!
By one of my lovely friends Jesse Hill who was looking for a project.. so I was like why not/Let's do it! It's still a surprise but I'm sure it'll be super sexy, coming from a sexy guy and all.
Anyways, I know I've fell off the SL planet and have been wandering around in the real one, especially exploring my own city (fun). I haven't but will soon with the whole selling art thing on SL--BUT I'm going to try selling them through people I know so then I make more profit. I still have yet to make prints though, bahahaha. Oh well, no rush.
Also, I went through a super dry spell with SL and I had zero motivation ( I even thought of quitting for a sec, goodness me) but I can sort of feel it coming back especially with the excitement of the 2nd Teen Fashionshow! I dunno what to expect yet but I will keep you guys posted. If you're a teen then you'll see some familiar TG designers like Killie, Yuki, Tallie, Anna (in alt form), and myself. Woo, get pumped! I think the date for that will be coming up soon on the 13th of this month if that plays out as planned.
Groovy, I think that's it.
Bisous, Bisous
Karissa S.
Friday, July 8, 2011
So, don't worry if I'm not making any releases lately. I think I might slow down with making new clothing because I don't have the motivation right now. BUT. Touché is NOT going anywhere as long as I continue getting all the support from you guys. Aww.
Okay, so what's the deal Karissa?
Mmmmkay. So, although lacking motivation for being artistic through digital clothing on SL, there's no lacking motivation in my art in reality!
So, here's my plan. I'm going to first get all of my favourites together to make several prints to sell on (Check it out: it's a really cool tool for freelancers and for people interested in buying hand made goodies directly from the artist). Then, hopefully I can get quality digital copies and sell them as art pieces in-world on SL to get the word out (still under the Touché brand I think... Even though I don't have a brand in reality... I wonder if I can do that. Whatever I'll think it through later. Or if anyone knows tell me). So then my art would be available in both the digital world and the real world!
So, don't be bummed that new clothing will be a little bit on a halt for now, everything in shop is still available and I might randomly get inspired to do clothing again which I know I will, I just need a little break.
Just wanted to keep those interested in being in the know updated!
Okay, so what's the deal Karissa?
Mmmmkay. So, although lacking motivation for being artistic through digital clothing on SL, there's no lacking motivation in my art in reality!
So, here's my plan. I'm going to first get all of my favourites together to make several prints to sell on (Check it out: it's a really cool tool for freelancers and for people interested in buying hand made goodies directly from the artist). Then, hopefully I can get quality digital copies and sell them as art pieces in-world on SL to get the word out (still under the Touché brand I think... Even though I don't have a brand in reality... I wonder if I can do that. Whatever I'll think it through later. Or if anyone knows tell me). So then my art would be available in both the digital world and the real world!
So, don't be bummed that new clothing will be a little bit on a halt for now, everything in shop is still available and I might randomly get inspired to do clothing again which I know I will, I just need a little break.
Just wanted to keep those interested in being in the know updated!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Meeroos, Don't Hate.
So, lastnight was not only a 4th of July celebration.
It was also a new beginning and opening of this whole complicated world of Meeroos with my friend Johnathan (HAHAHA). I cannot believe it because I still think they are the most silliest thing invented but who cares, right? Super fun and I feel like a nerd but we're so going all out. I named mine Elton, short for Elton John of course. And Johnathan named his Guillian, awwww.
So yeah, for those of you who don't know what Meeroos are they're like these breedable cat..rabbit..squirrel things that are totally pointless.
You'll prolly now not find me IN the shop being a hermit but now BEHIND the shop being a hermit but I made the back window phantom so I can jump in and out whenever. Haha.
Anyways, All is well. I'm working on some shorts, the skirt is on hold for a little because I'm getting a belt made for it! Hooray. Hopefully that'll be done soon because I'm really pumped for the skirt. But also the shorts. Since I feel like they're pretty legit looking so far. They're really cool because they're redddd and the shading is kinda realisticccc, at least I think so. I'll give you guys a peak later once they're further along or something. Woo!
Woah this took me like an hour to write. My brain must've fallen out or something.
Oh, so tomorrow I plan on going to Claim the Fame again for the finale and I guess we're all being interviewd at 3PM. Prolly gunna make a fool of myself again, you can watch it on Metaverse. I'll have to hold the phone up to my ear so my grandma won't be irked to why I'm talking into the computer. Lol. She is so sweet.
My wrist is sore from playing badminton hardcore yesterday.
M'kay. I think that's all when it comes to exciting news.
See ya!
It was also a new beginning and opening of this whole complicated world of Meeroos with my friend Johnathan (HAHAHA). I cannot believe it because I still think they are the most silliest thing invented but who cares, right? Super fun and I feel like a nerd but we're so going all out. I named mine Elton, short for Elton John of course. And Johnathan named his Guillian, awwww.
So yeah, for those of you who don't know what Meeroos are they're like these breedable cat..rabbit..squirrel things that are totally pointless.
You'll prolly now not find me IN the shop being a hermit but now BEHIND the shop being a hermit but I made the back window phantom so I can jump in and out whenever. Haha.
Anyways, All is well. I'm working on some shorts, the skirt is on hold for a little because I'm getting a belt made for it! Hooray. Hopefully that'll be done soon because I'm really pumped for the skirt. But also the shorts. Since I feel like they're pretty legit looking so far. They're really cool because they're redddd and the shading is kinda realisticccc, at least I think so. I'll give you guys a peak later once they're further along or something. Woo!
Woah this took me like an hour to write. My brain must've fallen out or something.
Oh, so tomorrow I plan on going to Claim the Fame again for the finale and I guess we're all being interviewd at 3PM. Prolly gunna make a fool of myself again, you can watch it on Metaverse. I'll have to hold the phone up to my ear so my grandma won't be irked to why I'm talking into the computer. Lol. She is so sweet.
My wrist is sore from playing badminton hardcore yesterday.
M'kay. I think that's all when it comes to exciting news.
See ya!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What's the 411?
So! Lately just been sitting around shoppe, since my shelves are pretty dusty lately I've been trying to branch a little. SO! I tried out to be a graphic designer for BOSL magazine and I totally made it in the next day, it's so super weird because I feel like the merge wasn't too long ago and BOSL felt so far away--but now I'm a part of the team! And then Frolic started me on this upcoming July issue which makes me kind of nervous but also happy that he sees me as someone he can come to and trust. Awww.
As far as the Avalon sim goes (the homestead I got threeish weeks ago) I am now all aloney on my owney being the now single owner. BUT! It isn't as depressing as it sounds, I have great renters that are amazing company, supportive, and encourage me to do crap which is lovely. As far as the La Venta Eventa and Lazy Sunday, I'm pumped for the next round even though I dunno what I'm gunna put out yet.. I will though. I'm trying to think of people to ask for getting the word out about Touché, I mean, I feel like I should get more serious about advertising/bloggers especially since my rent basically quintupled in price. Yikes! So if anyone knows anyone that can help out, I'd really appreciate the help!
ALSO! Keep your peepers open for that cute skirt I have on, I plan on releasing it within the next week. Oooer, a print. I feel like I should be stepping away from all the basics I do and start making statement pieces. Like, I tell myself that all the time and it rarely happens because like.. I always chicken out! And it's a total comfort zone for me. BUT! Not gunna do that this time, no way José. I need to start releasing more to fill all the space.
Mkay, see ya later!
Sorry for the stupid snapshot. I just feel like no post should be left without a visual aid. |
As far as the Avalon sim goes (the homestead I got threeish weeks ago) I am now all aloney on my owney being the now single owner. BUT! It isn't as depressing as it sounds, I have great renters that are amazing company, supportive, and encourage me to do crap which is lovely. As far as the La Venta Eventa and Lazy Sunday, I'm pumped for the next round even though I dunno what I'm gunna put out yet.. I will though. I'm trying to think of people to ask for getting the word out about Touché, I mean, I feel like I should get more serious about advertising/bloggers especially since my rent basically quintupled in price. Yikes! So if anyone knows anyone that can help out, I'd really appreciate the help!
ALSO! Keep your peepers open for that cute skirt I have on, I plan on releasing it within the next week. Oooer, a print. I feel like I should be stepping away from all the basics I do and start making statement pieces. Like, I tell myself that all the time and it rarely happens because like.. I always chicken out! And it's a total comfort zone for me. BUT! Not gunna do that this time, no way José. I need to start releasing more to fill all the space.
Mkay, see ya later!
P.S. I enjoy visits, I'm just a hermit in the shop.
P.P.S. Also, who's reading this? Leave a comment, I'd enjoy it! Right now all you guys are just a couple numbers on a chart tell me how you found the blog and why you're reading it-- I'm curious!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Hello, Did you miss me?
Because I missed you! Pant pant pant... I have been running around all day today trying to get things done, especially for the shoppe.
Finally, I managed to release the Posh Dresses! Hoo-ray!
Here's what it looks like on My Market Place...

You can get the singles IN-STORE or on MY MARKET PLACE for 100L each until SUN12AM, so! That's going on all weekend until that time and also that's when the fatpack of all 8 Posh Dresses get their price changed from the current sale price/additional 50% off. GOODNESS!
So I'm super excited because this weekend is sorta like a two in one type deal since it's both a release and for La Venta Eventa!
Enjoy lovelies and happy shopping this weekend while those deals last.
Karissa Silversmith
Finally, I managed to release the Posh Dresses! Hoo-ray!
Here's what it looks like on My Market Place...
You can get the singles IN-STORE or on MY MARKET PLACE for 100L each until SUN12AM, so! That's going on all weekend until that time and also that's when the fatpack of all 8 Posh Dresses get their price changed from the current sale price/additional 50% off. GOODNESS!
So I'm super excited because this weekend is sorta like a two in one type deal since it's both a release and for La Venta Eventa!
Enjoy lovelies and happy shopping this weekend while those deals last.
Karissa Silversmith
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
2AM Rambles
I am indeedy up at two in the morning pondering what to price these babies at. I have them down for 245 which I think is great BUT here's my dilemma:
I'm up for La Venta Eventa this 24th and I'm marking them down to 100 for the weekend, so! I don't want people going around buying it double the price when the better deal is just around the corner because I would be pissed if I got screwd over like that, lol.
As much as I would love to release them the first thing tomorrow morning, I love you all too much to do so. Hummm.
Oh, the things I do for you lovelies.
Bisous, bisous
P.S. expect to see more Touché action in the near future for I am A) out of class for now and B) family events are simmering down. A+B=C, more time to be computer bound! Unless I decide to get a job, which should be occuring this summer. Oh, dear!
Anyways, this whole homestead owning action is a vair scary thing. I'm just worried if I can keep up with the pace because if not I'll have to rent somewhere random and no one likes a mover.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Lady Gaga for never failing to keep me on track in times of need.
I'd also like to thank silky pillow cases that make for much more appealing morning hair.
I am so sorry I am basically sleep-think-typing.
ANYWAYS. Posh dresses coming this weekend, hoo-ray is correct, and hold your trousers for LA VENTA EVENTA beginning friday at 9pm to monday 12am to get em' for 100L each or 800 for not one, two, three, four, five, six, not seven but the complete set of eight.
C'est un miracle!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Oh, dear
Can't stop listening to Future Love, just thought I should share the obsession.
Pefect! Been singing it aloud everywhere lately, gotta love it.
Pefect! Been singing it aloud everywhere lately, gotta love it.
Monday, June 6, 2011
So, Kyle made me make a flickr. So!
Here it is.
It's very bare but it'll be the place where I post more pointless crap for your enjoyment that will also be pleasing to the eye. MMMMMM!
See how I continued the slightly hilarious links.
Here it is.
It's very bare but it'll be the place where I post more pointless crap for your enjoyment that will also be pleasing to the eye. MMMMMM!
See how I continued the slightly hilarious links.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Oh, Joy
So this is what happens when the workshop is shared. That's Armonde in girl form, both sporting his new glasses which areeeee indeedy available in the marketplace for only 10L ( New dress coming soon! Yippee! Just have to recolour it and I'll be on my way to release. I think I'll call it Posh or something.
Anyways, just wanted to do this so then you guys know that I am still alive and indeedy working on something, if you notice a lack of activity then I'm prolly hosting family that is flying in starting tonight! Phew.
But really excited about this dress, you can't see the back but I think it's what makes it (saving the surprise for later) and also I've always wanted something shouldery. If you ever run into me you'll see me in it. Shop is grooving a bit slow lately but still grooving so that's all that matters! Also! Officially got into Lazy Sunday which makes me vair vair happy! My starting dates are June 19th for Lazy Sunday and June 24th for La Venta Eventa (Both rotating in a 4 week schedule) so look out for those dates to pop up to get some awesome/possibly exclusive deals.
A big HOO-RAH to that!
Enjoy the weekend lovelies,
Bisous, Bisous
Hair: Lamb
Pose:Mia Mai
Skin/eyes: Mojo
Shoes: [w]under
Glasses/Nails: Armonde (although he doesn't want to sell the nails because he doesn't like them for some reason)
Dress/Earrings: Touché
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Studded Brakinis
In celebration of my well drawn out obsession with Lady Gaga, I made this super hot studded brakini!

I've just been wearing it like so about in my workshop, my second hermit home aside from my shop. I added a posing stand which is quite fancy to me since I know that it's gunna be a bitch to adjust since not everyone has my chest. I wish I had a script that didn't change the size of the prims but.. just moved it up, down, left, right for those who aren't familiar with editting things, ya know?
Anyways, I'm really pumped with how this turned out, I'm super happy with it I think it looks absolutely marvy, it's fun just changing up the different styles of underthings. Haha. It's weird because I thought dresses were more of my thing but now I'm all about underthings all of a sudden. Although! I have this huge page of doodle ideas sort of in this direction, it's probably a little bit bad timing since it's supposed to be all about spring and being light but a part of me wants to go in that direction also. so! we will see what will happen. The madre is really yelling at me right now so gotta run, will continue later!
Anywho, I got into this new event ran by Chaotic Monday who is a marvy events coordinator and it's called La Venta Eventa! Woot! Basically how it works is starting on June 24th all weekend long and every four weeks from then on forevermore there's going to be an item up for sale for 100L or less that is obviously valued more than that. Woo! Very excited, I'm in the group and everything and got to have a chat to make sure I was solid. When I saw the list of other participaring designers so far I nearly fell off my rocker seeing that I recognized some of the names of other wonderrrrful mg designers. Oh dear!
Basically reality has been increasingly demanding lately so if you start to notice me moving a little bit slower than usual I'm probably a busy bee, being busy.
Also, I have been hanging about lately a ton in Tableau, a darling sim everyone should visit. I think my dream one day is to have a shop there. Mmmmm. I have to wait until my walls are not so bare though until I even start to see myself worthy. I need better things in shop I always feel like I need to get rid of the old!
I've just been wearing it like so about in my workshop, my second hermit home aside from my shop. I added a posing stand which is quite fancy to me since I know that it's gunna be a bitch to adjust since not everyone has my chest. I wish I had a script that didn't change the size of the prims but.. just moved it up, down, left, right for those who aren't familiar with editting things, ya know?
Anyways, I'm really pumped with how this turned out, I'm super happy with it I think it looks absolutely marvy, it's fun just changing up the different styles of underthings. Haha. It's weird because I thought dresses were more of my thing but now I'm all about underthings all of a sudden. Although! I have this huge page of doodle ideas sort of in this direction, it's probably a little bit bad timing since it's supposed to be all about spring and being light but a part of me wants to go in that direction also. so! we will see what will happen. The madre is really yelling at me right now so gotta run, will continue later!
Anywho, I got into this new event ran by Chaotic Monday who is a marvy events coordinator and it's called La Venta Eventa! Woot! Basically how it works is starting on June 24th all weekend long and every four weeks from then on forevermore there's going to be an item up for sale for 100L or less that is obviously valued more than that. Woo! Very excited, I'm in the group and everything and got to have a chat to make sure I was solid. When I saw the list of other participaring designers so far I nearly fell off my rocker seeing that I recognized some of the names of other wonderrrrful mg designers. Oh dear!
Basically reality has been increasingly demanding lately so if you start to notice me moving a little bit slower than usual I'm probably a busy bee, being busy.
Also, I have been hanging about lately a ton in Tableau, a darling sim everyone should visit. I think my dream one day is to have a shop there. Mmmmm. I have to wait until my walls are not so bare though until I even start to see myself worthy. I need better things in shop I always feel like I need to get rid of the old!
Monday, May 23, 2011
She strikes again!
SO! Good thing I saw this because I totally got rid of the peacock set but put it back up in a heartbeat. No wonder people have been buying it latey! Sheesh. Thank you Strawberry, again. I owe plenty of my sales to you, muaahhh.
Now back to my essay that's a week late. (Yikes)
SO! Good thing I saw this because I totally got rid of the peacock set but put it back up in a heartbeat. No wonder people have been buying it latey! Sheesh. Thank you Strawberry, again. I owe plenty of my sales to you, muaahhh.
Now back to my essay that's a week late. (Yikes)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Look what I made today
So, I made this Sailored Romper. I tweaked something that I made for CTF and editted a bit and then I pulled some sculpties from my bellybutton and this is what happened. I'm dying for it to be next week already so I can send out a notice for it but since no one reads this I assumed it wouldn't be bad to plop it on.
So! I logged on this morning and I saw that someone messaged me. I opened it and then it was an invite to the LAZY SUNDAY EVENT (
Yes yes yes! I am going to have to thank the one and only Kyle I think for getting me noticed, I filled out an application and.. so yeah. I'll be hearing back from her soon. I am so happy though you guys have no idea! I finally get to be a part of something! Weee!
Also, I just got rid of all the old crap in my store that I don't take full pride in so my walls are extra bare, don't worry though it'll fill up. things I got rid of: Bora dresses, sailored trousers, basic cardis, onesie, and crappy old vest that everyone liked for some reason.
I heart spring cleaning!
Yes yes yes! I am going to have to thank the one and only Kyle I think for getting me noticed, I filled out an application and.. so yeah. I'll be hearing back from her soon. I am so happy though you guys have no idea! I finally get to be a part of something! Weee!
Also, I just got rid of all the old crap in my store that I don't take full pride in so my walls are extra bare, don't worry though it'll fill up. things I got rid of: Bora dresses, sailored trousers, basic cardis, onesie, and crappy old vest that everyone liked for some reason.
I heart spring cleaning!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Fresh Undies/Rantatantant
SL is totally being a bitch to me today. Silliness!
Anyways, made some undies and released them yesterday, they are totally a great start to spring since it just started to feel like spring here in Seattle so I'm in that zone of colours and such.

These were super fun to make since I basically had the crotchet down from the Brakinis I didn't have to go through hell again! Woo!
ALSO! notice how I'm calming down with the shading, I'm really trying to hit somewhat of a realism? I dunno if it's working but, I'm trying out different groovy shading techniques and it's different from what it was before. I feel like I'm growing as a designer! Awww.
Anyways, I feel super blessed because one of my past models from CTF offered me a custom gown project and I'm super excited about it, she never stops praising me I don't know what to do with myself because I don't feel like the ish yet. Haha!
I mean I feel like I'm still starting out and there's a lot more to learn and improve at. Like, I still have my home set to where my original location was in Eutopia across the street from the beach and sometimes when I log in it shows me the screen shot from when I set it as my home and everything is sooo outdated it's crazy how I'm saying that because it was only a couple months ago but there was a ton of growth between then and now and it's just the beginning, as long as I have people there supporting me which I do and I'm soooo thankful for I'mma keep going at it and sharing my ideas and such. Gross I feel so super cheesy!
But also like... yeah, I'm blessed to be the only teen making the way up the ladder but I was looking foward to sharing the joy with someone. I feel like I'm the only store on the Eros sim that isn't going downhill since the merge and I hate seeing more and more empty spots on the sim because those are all my fellow teen designers that were there way before my time and I wanna see them succeed, duh! I dunno. People tell me that like ohhhh they don't put the same amount of effort into whatever. I mean sure but I haven't even gotten into anything yet either as far as events go.
Anywho! Less of that seriousness, and back to yapping about something way cooler. OH! So, yesterday I got reunited with one of my favourites, Kimi, aka TAYLOR and we went to mojo this super groovy fancy shmancy skin/bod place where I got my skin not too long ago, and guess what? Yeah, the skin I got was reduced to 50% off. BOO on that I say. But I mean I'm really stingy with spending L. But! I do love that place, really great, I'm happy Brad showed it to me.
Oh! Speaking of Brad (Armonde; or who I've called my sculpting slave in the past), he's starting to get things in gear with his own thing which is super cool because I know that he has alot of the ingredients to make it. He's also been complaining that he doesn't want to be abused by me but I think that's just my way of kicking him around to get going or showing my appreciation and also that's just how we work, it's terrible. He's the only one who reads this I think but! Know that if we do.. do any project together before I learn sculpting myself (hopefully in the near future) totally gunna give him credit, duh. But also we are both so super wrapped up in our own thing, who knows, but it's scary seeing how much he has to offer. Yikes!
Alright, so what's next... who knows, because last time I was like, expect wearable shorts or something! and then I end up making undies. I kinda wanna bring in some dresses... or... I dunno! Prolly won't start until after Xandrah's dress which I am pumped for, woot.
I also can't stop listening to Lady GaGa. Whatever, I love her.
Phew, this was a long one!
Bisous, bisous
Anyways, made some undies and released them yesterday, they are totally a great start to spring since it just started to feel like spring here in Seattle so I'm in that zone of colours and such.
These were super fun to make since I basically had the crotchet down from the Brakinis I didn't have to go through hell again! Woo!
ALSO! notice how I'm calming down with the shading, I'm really trying to hit somewhat of a realism? I dunno if it's working but, I'm trying out different groovy shading techniques and it's different from what it was before. I feel like I'm growing as a designer! Awww.
Anyways, I feel super blessed because one of my past models from CTF offered me a custom gown project and I'm super excited about it, she never stops praising me I don't know what to do with myself because I don't feel like the ish yet. Haha!
I mean I feel like I'm still starting out and there's a lot more to learn and improve at. Like, I still have my home set to where my original location was in Eutopia across the street from the beach and sometimes when I log in it shows me the screen shot from when I set it as my home and everything is sooo outdated it's crazy how I'm saying that because it was only a couple months ago but there was a ton of growth between then and now and it's just the beginning, as long as I have people there supporting me which I do and I'm soooo thankful for I'mma keep going at it and sharing my ideas and such. Gross I feel so super cheesy!
But also like... yeah, I'm blessed to be the only teen making the way up the ladder but I was looking foward to sharing the joy with someone. I feel like I'm the only store on the Eros sim that isn't going downhill since the merge and I hate seeing more and more empty spots on the sim because those are all my fellow teen designers that were there way before my time and I wanna see them succeed, duh! I dunno. People tell me that like ohhhh they don't put the same amount of effort into whatever. I mean sure but I haven't even gotten into anything yet either as far as events go.
Anywho! Less of that seriousness, and back to yapping about something way cooler. OH! So, yesterday I got reunited with one of my favourites, Kimi, aka TAYLOR and we went to mojo this super groovy fancy shmancy skin/bod place where I got my skin not too long ago, and guess what? Yeah, the skin I got was reduced to 50% off. BOO on that I say. But I mean I'm really stingy with spending L. But! I do love that place, really great, I'm happy Brad showed it to me.
Oh! Speaking of Brad (Armonde; or who I've called my sculpting slave in the past), he's starting to get things in gear with his own thing which is super cool because I know that he has alot of the ingredients to make it. He's also been complaining that he doesn't want to be abused by me but I think that's just my way of kicking him around to get going or showing my appreciation and also that's just how we work, it's terrible. He's the only one who reads this I think but! Know that if we do.. do any project together before I learn sculpting myself (hopefully in the near future) totally gunna give him credit, duh. But also we are both so super wrapped up in our own thing, who knows, but it's scary seeing how much he has to offer. Yikes!
Alright, so what's next... who knows, because last time I was like, expect wearable shorts or something! and then I end up making undies. I kinda wanna bring in some dresses... or... I dunno! Prolly won't start until after Xandrah's dress which I am pumped for, woot.
I also can't stop listening to Lady GaGa. Whatever, I love her.
Phew, this was a long one!
Bisous, bisous
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Pant pant pant
Who knew that CTF was going to be such a headache? I accidentally got kicked off since my outfits didn't load then they asked if I wanted to come back but I was like no thanks. I mean I would but the timing isn't right. AND! I feel reunited with my store, Touché! Mmm! Once again we have time together, it's been so long.
So, once we had make up sex we made these darling tanks.
Ribbed racerback tanks that are prolly to die for. I worked really super hard on these guys. You can wear it in basically four ways, modest or not, studded in gold or silver or not, what a dreaaaam. Shows just the right amount of belly button that you can get away with it without being called a hooker. But the top half without being modest good luck. I dunno, maybe it gets balanced with the classiness of the studs? Whatever, I really like how these turned out and I totally tried new gimpy techniques on them so it was a lovely learning experience.
Anyways, to be continued... I think I have just woken the beast (aka. M of M&D)
Good morning! Where was I...
So yes! Luckily people somehow managed to stumble upon my store while I had no releases (thank goodness) and I think I owe a large THANK YOU to Strawberry Singh, muah! I was surprised that I got blogged about behind my back and I think she's a big deal (so I've heard. I feel bad because I don't know anyone/anything I'm basically a hermit in my store) and so that was very exciting and a lot of sales from those brakinis so thank you, you, and you.
Link to her blog post:
Anyways I'm hoping she'll stumble upon me once again, I don't want to bother her I'm sure everyone is busy.
BUT! I do need to start throwing myself into things, thanks to my vair groovy new friend Kyle/Divine (who is a laugh by the way) that I met through the also vair groovy friend Asuka, they helped and gave me some tips on where to poke about for my shop.
I have it literally writted down infront of me so I won't forget but I'm always a little shakey about these things because my walls are very bare compared to what the... judger.. or gate keeper of events.. who might be used to seeing more, so, I dunno hopefully I get accepted into some sort of event so people won't forget me!
I have a ton of ideas backed up the ass from not creating in a while so expect more within a two week time period.
Also, noticing a lack of bottoms in the shop that are wearable so I might attempt primly shorts.. or jeans or something? How does that sound? Great? Coolies.
Oh! Also, smoothed things over with my sculpter/slave, so, hooray! Sculpted goodies once again!
I might make a come back with the bonbon earrings, I just forgot how much I truly lurve them to death, might smash them together into a bracelet, ring, or necklacey thing which will be totally fab since I'm lacking in the accessory department.
Anyways, off to class!
Bisous bisous
Saturday, April 9, 2011
What's Been Goin' On?
Oh, wow, I don't know if I'm depriving anyone or not (probably not) but sorry for not being on top of this blog as I should be.
Anyways, before all the Claim the Fame things started, I was able to sneak these flirty Juicy Brakinis in...

Anyways, before all the Claim the Fame things started, I was able to sneak these flirty Juicy Brakinis in...
These were always something on my "To Do" list--fruit themed swimwear, I love it!
The sculpted leaves are a nice frill and I'm super happy with how the texture sits on the bod not to mention a super clean crotchet area. Haha! Just incase you want to do the splits or anything, it's totally doable without the textures going crazy (it was a challenge to accomplish but I did it! Hooray!)
I will definitely be making a plain version/prints version in funky colours that are a little less in the L department so everyone can enjoy a nice swimmy. Actually- I'm not even sure if it's limited to being just a swimmy hence the name Brakini. Could it also pass as underthings? Who knows.
Anyways, What I have been busy with is Claim the fame (
with.. oh! okay, I guess 18 other people, there used to be 20 total but now I guess there's 19. But! ah! I made it in and I've been flipping out being on BOSL radio, another article in BOSL mag (alone this time, eep!), and Metaverse TV is insane.
Here's what's also insane--I've started my male line since for the first week the theme was formal wear, a gown AND a male suit. It turned out much better than I expected for my basically first male clothing attempt (I might even like it more than my gown?).
Can't wait to show you guys but you can see it LIVE this coming wednesday @ 3:00PM SLT on our first judged show! (
Basically once I get enough male things together I'll end up making a mini male store within Touché called En Garde, get it? Harhar, En Garde & Touché.
But unfortunately I've lost my sculpter due to some "drama"..So. Yeah, hopefully things iron out between us because that just ended super bluntly and you know he has really helped out with Touché so, I can't thank him enough, but, we'll see!
I think that's it.
Bisous, Bisous
Saturday, March 5, 2011
On a Personal Note...
So, Terrence had us TGers do this quick quiz and it looked something like this...

Here's what I said:
Here's what I said:
There's a lot of Good new things but with it comes a lot more responsibility and I'm finding myself putting twice as much effort into things than I used to but on the bright side I get twice (or ten times) as much reward for it. SL has become less recreational and more like a job or a project, it's really energy draining, but it's something to do. Also, making it big as a designer is feeling less like a dream and more like a reality, since the merge, only a couple designers are still surviving, it was kind of like armageddon where everyone was tested and only a few have been chosen to survive? Haha kind of extreame but that's how I see it. MG is a lot more like a reality, yeah. There's a lot of networking, who knows who, business business business, making connections, what group to join, How can I get my name out there?--->I think is a big one for a lot of us. Basically when I log onto SL here are my thoughts, "How much L did I make please please please tell me I made at least one sale. Who's online.. What am I gunna do next, I kinda wanna do this, oh, wait, What's due this week? Shoot I need to get started on that, Oh, is there a meeting today?, I haven't even studied for my test yet, I shouldn't be on SL right now. but I really want to get this done. Oh my gosh I have a great idea! I need to start on it now. I need to release something soon, I don't wanna be left behind." Kind of like that. lol. It sounds kind of negative but don't get me wrong, I LOVE having a store, doing things for Terrence and the gang, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't enjoying myself and things were going so well. Those are really connected by the way, when things aren't going so well, then obviously I'm not enjoying myself, it's such a thin line (sorry that was kind of like a 2+2=4 moment). The freedom of being able to leave any time is kind of scary but you lose all the momentum and so on. Like, I feel like if I don't log on for a day I could miss out on so much, kind of like reality if you don't leave the house or something. Uhm. yeah, I feel like I'm just going in circles and I should just put this all in a diary or a blog. Haha.
You prolly know who it is,
P.S. Sorry reader, I didn't plan on having it be this much of a rant.
Alright, well I know it's supposed to be anonymous and all but I thought that a lot of people, especially designers, could relate to this!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Bora Dress!
Just wanted to get this started, will fill in with something tomorrow. (promise!)

--Okay, so, phew! this is the new dress! I've been working on it for..about two?..yeah, two weeks. I was soo happy about it because it's all 100% made by myself including the "sculpties" I say it like that because I don't really think I'm a sculpter, I'm just really crafty with them (the skirt sculpty is the same as the bonbon earrings sculpties that I have improved and will be re-releasing soon by the way). Expect another dress similar to this one with prints but I'll be using my handy dandy sculpter this time who is finally back, all computer issues aside and reunited if he's up for the task. (hurrah!)
ALSO! This dress got me past the Claim the Fame casting that will be televised through Metaverse TV so take a look at that once that goes up, I'll probably link it here once it does, I made a total fool of myself as always.
So, I know last post I was all mopey about no one coming in the store but that wasn't an issue once I released the notices on the new Bora dresses through BOSL readers group and FashCon so that just made things fly in two hours, I couldn't believe it. So, thank you so much and I am liking this pace, I just hope it's consistent. Hahaha!
So, yeah, I have my market place all set up if you're too lazy to get the the store, then the marketplace is ready for you with all the bigger items...It's kinda all over the place and not really that cool yet. But here it is anyways!
Alright. I have to go get juice and catch the bus, comment to let me know if you're out there!
Bisous, Bisous,
--Okay, so, phew! this is the new dress! I've been working on it for..about two?..yeah, two weeks. I was soo happy about it because it's all 100% made by myself including the "sculpties" I say it like that because I don't really think I'm a sculpter, I'm just really crafty with them (the skirt sculpty is the same as the bonbon earrings sculpties that I have improved and will be re-releasing soon by the way). Expect another dress similar to this one with prints but I'll be using my handy dandy sculpter this time who is finally back, all computer issues aside and reunited if he's up for the task. (hurrah!)
ALSO! This dress got me past the Claim the Fame casting that will be televised through Metaverse TV so take a look at that once that goes up, I'll probably link it here once it does, I made a total fool of myself as always.
So, I know last post I was all mopey about no one coming in the store but that wasn't an issue once I released the notices on the new Bora dresses through BOSL readers group and FashCon so that just made things fly in two hours, I couldn't believe it. So, thank you so much and I am liking this pace, I just hope it's consistent. Hahaha!
So, yeah, I have my market place all set up if you're too lazy to get the the store, then the marketplace is ready for you with all the bigger items...It's kinda all over the place and not really that cool yet. But here it is anyways!
Alright. I have to go get juice and catch the bus, comment to let me know if you're out there!
Bisous, Bisous,
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Heartless Dress/Oh-MG
Phew, something new and first release on the MG! Yes!
So I made this dress out of wanting to try out some new things/expirement and also bring back that heart idea that I like so much from which some of you can remember that weird artsy onesie thing that I made a while back that I will actually be re-releasing soon (with some improvements of course) because I miss it and for Valentines day since it follows that whole heart theme. Anyways, here's the picture!

AND it's on the market place--you can search something like "Heartless Dress" or "Karissa Silversmith" something like that and it should pop up; But if you want more colours (the heart changes colour, you can pick from rouge, vert, violet, bleu and then my favourite noir) then you can get those at the Eros main store.
It was weird because I finished these dresses in like a couple of days but I really liked how they turned out--I feel like they have just the right amount of funky-ness but it doesn't take away from the wearability of it? Yes.
That is totally how I feel.
So, how's the main grid? Lovely! The first week was insane with sales off the charts, bloggers, new people, BOSL, teen fashionshow, more new people, new places, meetings, Terrence Linden, chimp labs, market place, things to buy, and more new people!
Since the hype of the merge died down, I'm actually starting to remember who's who and what's what and getting into the groove of things maybe? But maybe not. It's weird because it's like starting all over again. I mean I felt like I was on the top-ish half of the TG but now I got flipped back onto the other side and all these events are nice and great opportunities but I need to get back into focus with being a designer again, you know? And I feel like my shop is so dusty no one walks into it anymore. Haha. Humm.
Anyways, on the bright side I was on BOSL (best of second life) Radio, I finally got to meet Kira Paderborn who has an amazing sim called Flawless where a lot of us teens will be renting on very soon, the whole Eros board is so snuggley and close it's so nice, I've been stopping by at fashionshows just to see what's going on. Ahhh! Crazy. Alrighty, that's enough!
Bisous, bisous
P.S. Is this store blog starting to turn into an SL diary or what?
P.P.S. I am also 100% CB-free! Hoorah!
So I made this dress out of wanting to try out some new things/expirement and also bring back that heart idea that I like so much from which some of you can remember that weird artsy onesie thing that I made a while back that I will actually be re-releasing soon (with some improvements of course) because I miss it and for Valentines day since it follows that whole heart theme. Anyways, here's the picture!
AND it's on the market place--you can search something like "Heartless Dress" or "Karissa Silversmith" something like that and it should pop up; But if you want more colours (the heart changes colour, you can pick from rouge, vert, violet, bleu and then my favourite noir) then you can get those at the Eros main store.
It was weird because I finished these dresses in like a couple of days but I really liked how they turned out--I feel like they have just the right amount of funky-ness but it doesn't take away from the wearability of it? Yes.
That is totally how I feel.
So, how's the main grid? Lovely! The first week was insane with sales off the charts, bloggers, new people, BOSL, teen fashionshow, more new people, new places, meetings, Terrence Linden, chimp labs, market place, things to buy, and more new people!
Since the hype of the merge died down, I'm actually starting to remember who's who and what's what and getting into the groove of things maybe? But maybe not. It's weird because it's like starting all over again. I mean I felt like I was on the top-ish half of the TG but now I got flipped back onto the other side and all these events are nice and great opportunities but I need to get back into focus with being a designer again, you know? And I feel like my shop is so dusty no one walks into it anymore. Haha. Humm.
Anyways, on the bright side I was on BOSL (best of second life) Radio, I finally got to meet Kira Paderborn who has an amazing sim called Flawless where a lot of us teens will be renting on very soon, the whole Eros board is so snuggley and close it's so nice, I've been stopping by at fashionshows just to see what's going on. Ahhh! Crazy. Alrighty, that's enough!
Bisous, bisous
P.S. Is this store blog starting to turn into an SL diary or what?
P.P.S. I am also 100% CB-free! Hoorah!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sailored Trousers
Finally! So, instead of being as productive as I wanted to be during the break, I ended up mostly chattering/preparing myself for the merge. Yeah! Okay, but I made these earrings out of some sculpties that I made, not really a big deal. BUT! here is the big deal.

So, YES. These are them. I might mix it up later and do gold buttons? Who knows. Anyways, really fun.
P.S. Thanks for the people who posted comments, I get all giggley and smiley when I see them and I love hearing feedback of what you guys think.
P.P.S. TG prices are staying put 20th-24th due to the TG sale sim-wide in Eros (genius) which I will also be doing in my Eutopia location because I like to have things match. Alsooo, I know a lot of other TG store owners are talking about how they are going about the merge. For me, I'm basically just going to do the same thing I have been doing on the TG--the only change starting on the 25th of January is the repricing of things that some of you might have had a sneek peek of before I re-lowered prices back to the original comfort level. Not really sure how I will go about the specific numbers until I have a better idea of how MG will react to Touché and I'm sure you'll be seeing a blog about that later from my perspective. Sheesh! sorry about the ranting, I bet your eyes are so tired now. Remember to comment if you're there! Merci!
Sailored Trousers. Highwaisted, beautifully seamed, must have, statement pantalons. I made them in 4 colours for now but I wanna do more colours/patters/textures later. I always say that but end up doing it like months later. Anywho, okay, why am I excited about these. Well, I have been working on these for a couple weeks now and I really really paid attention to where things were put and how they act when actually put on a body, how it will move or stretch around so. Yeah, a long process but ultimately worth it in the end since I love how these turned out. Woohoo! Okay, picture time!
So, YES. These are them. I might mix it up later and do gold buttons? Who knows. Anyways, really fun.
P.S. Thanks for the people who posted comments, I get all giggley and smiley when I see them and I love hearing feedback of what you guys think.
P.P.S. TG prices are staying put 20th-24th due to the TG sale sim-wide in Eros (genius) which I will also be doing in my Eutopia location because I like to have things match. Alsooo, I know a lot of other TG store owners are talking about how they are going about the merge. For me, I'm basically just going to do the same thing I have been doing on the TG--the only change starting on the 25th of January is the repricing of things that some of you might have had a sneek peek of before I re-lowered prices back to the original comfort level. Not really sure how I will go about the specific numbers until I have a better idea of how MG will react to Touché and I'm sure you'll be seeing a blog about that later from my perspective. Sheesh! sorry about the ranting, I bet your eyes are so tired now. Remember to comment if you're there! Merci!
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