Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What's the 411?

So! Lately just been sitting around shoppe, since my shelves are pretty dusty lately I've been trying to branch a little. SO! I tried out to be a graphic designer for BOSL magazine and I totally made it in the next day, it's so super weird because I feel like the merge wasn't too long ago and BOSL felt so far away--but now I'm a part of the team! And then Frolic started me on this upcoming July issue which makes me kind of nervous but also happy that he sees me as someone he can come to and trust. Awww.

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Sorry for the stupid snapshot. I just feel like no post should be left without a visual aid.

As far as the Avalon sim goes (the homestead I got threeish weeks ago) I am now all aloney on my owney being the now single owner. BUT! It isn't as depressing as it sounds, I have great renters that are amazing company, supportive, and encourage me to do crap which is lovely. As far as the La Venta Eventa and Lazy Sunday, I'm pumped for the next round even though I dunno what I'm gunna put out yet.. I will though. I'm trying to think of people to ask for getting the word out about Touché, I mean, I feel like I should get more serious about advertising/bloggers especially since my rent basically quintupled in price. Yikes! So if anyone knows anyone that can help out, I'd really appreciate the help!

ALSO! Keep your peepers open for that cute skirt I have on, I plan on releasing it within the next week. Oooer, a print. I feel like I should be stepping away from all the basics I do and start making statement pieces. Like, I tell myself that all the time and it rarely happens because like.. I always chicken out! And it's a total comfort zone for me. BUT! Not gunna do that this time, no way José. I need to start releasing more to fill all the space.

Mkay, see ya later!


P.S. I enjoy visits, I'm just a hermit in the shop.

P.P.S. Also, who's reading this? Leave a comment, I'd enjoy it! Right now all you guys are just a couple numbers on a chart tell me how you found the blog and why you're reading it-- I'm curious!


  1. Johnathan DoolittleJune 30, 2011 at 9:24 PM

    She's not kidding about being a hermit in her shop! I'm one of her fortunate renters in Avalon and Karissa is great company!

  2. No one reads my blog! LOL I know I can always count on you Johnathan, you're so sweet, the only commenter I have. Bahaha.

  3. I read your blog :) I just never comment, sorry. And I'm one of your frequent visitors too! :D If you ever get lonely IM me haha, you know I'm never busy :)
